Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Blog 22: Mentorship

  • Ishna Mesa, Casa Colina
     What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
  •  The most important thing that I gained from this was the experience being at the hospital and interacting with the people that inspire me into looking towards nursing at a career. As a volunteer I got to feel like I'm a worker at a hospital. The nurses and health care providers that I interacted with were very helpful when ever I had a question about anything. For an example, when I did my 4 days of training, I helped a lot with the nurses with communicating with their patients and do the things that they need help in. Usually my trainer would always take me under his wing and guide me to do things that I've never done before like making communicating between the patients and their health care providers and making sure that the hospital environment is safe for patients.
     How has what you’ve done helped you to answer your EQ?  Please explain.
  • What has helped me answer my EQ was my observations. If I was in the nurses station or out and doing rounds, I learned things from nurses on how they protect themselves and patients from infectious diseases. When I was trained by one of the RNs from Casa, she taught me a lot like it is important for visitors and workers to wear protective equipment when entering the room. The things that I observed in the hospital has helped me a lot on answering my EQ and experiencing some of those ways how nurses protect themselves from infectious diseases.

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